Saturday, February 13, 2010

You Lived in your own World

you still survived
Even when the sky is clear and there's notting to be seen, but yet you're still there
You're ignored by the hearvenly bodies depite you live with them
The sun refused to be your friend
Neither does the moon knows your name
But You're still there
The sun dries you up
It refused to give you photosynthesis
Starvation is now your friend
The stars and the moon refuse to give you light when dark
Your eyes cannot see when dark
But you're still there
Many times you cried for sight
When all around you is dark
But courageousness makes you move trough
When it rains
It falls upon you
And when the lightening comes
It struck you down and makes you faint
You lay there for years
Even your brother saw you laying
But didn't pick you up
You didn't blame him because you understood
You could tell he's hungry by his countenance
The sun didn't give him photosynthesis either
He looks weak
He appeared sympathetic
but he wants to conserve energy
But as for you, you didn't give up
You call for help in the dark, but no one came
you lay there for years
Helpless, hopeless and depressed
You needed grains
And started to eat your own flesh to survive
You bite and bite
Untill you reached your bones
You started to feel the pain you have cost to yourself
But the need you seek form the heavenly bodies has finally been met
You are left with a wound
A one that hurt and connot be cure
you got used to pain
Because you believed "no pain no game"
you got use to being abandon
you are an island and dwell within your own world
you breathe your own air
And ate your won flesh
The heaven bodies all ignore you
Because they don't care about you
Despite all, you still survived


This poem tells a story about the relationship between a country called Liberia, and the international community. Liberia is a country in West Africa bodering Guinea, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and south of it is the Atlantic Ocean. The theme of this poem violates the natural concept, "no one is an island." Despite her isolation that lead her to adject poverty, the country of Liberia is still standing. She believes in herself and dwell within her own world. She had falled many times and had gotten up because she understands the common rule that in this life, we are all on our own. In this poem, the United States specifically symbolizes the sun. Both the United States and Liberia are neighbors because they lived in the same universe. In a situiton where the sun doesn't shine on a land, it's impossible for such land to florish because a universal law explains that the sun is the source of all energy. In the absence of the sun, there would be no photosynthesis.

With these little connective points, you can build the meaning of this poem on your own.

Please sent me a comment if you don't get the overall concept, I would love to examplify on more details.

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